Opus domini manual
Opus domini manual

opus domini manual

Such a discrepancy is not a minor matter, because it could easily lead to thinking that this apostolate and the formation that upholds it, would not be able to adapt to contemporary times, nor lead the way in social and cultural changes, as the very spirit of the Work requires.

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Nevertheless, this kind of evaluation, however understandable given a markedly utilitarian social context, differs from the conception of the Administration as backbone ,as the founder of Opus Dei defined it. This could happen where for various reasons people do not see the Administration in its role as creating the atmosphere of home and family but rather from the point of view of the cost incurred. This might in some cases alter the nature proper to the Administration. In fact, one result of understanding the Administration only in its functional or instrumental sense, as a much appreciated provider of services, could be, given social, cultural and economic situations of different countries, that alternative ways of organizing these services arise. Josemaría, providing alternative ways of perceiving their work, eventually more functional, but distanced from its original meaning. However, we think that this merely functional approach impoverishes the reality of the Administration as understood by St. These considerations taken together could lead to understanding the expression “apostolate of apostolates”, as the founder of Opus Dei referred to the Administration ,mainly in an instrumental sense: as a reality that enhances the dedication of the people of the Work to other apostolic fields.

#Opus domini manual professional

Furthermore, these tasks are expected to be carried out with professional excellence. We realize that, as years have passed, the Administration might have come to be understood in a reductive manner, as the combination of services offered by women of the Work, in the centres where numerary men and women live, in order to make the family spirit and fidelity to one’s vocation possible and enkindle the sense of mission. The aim of the resulting document is to offer reflections that help to penetrate the identity and apostolic projection of the Administration, throwing light on its essential features, which profile it as “a professional work, an apostolic method and means of sanctification”. The methodology applied in this work is based on three elements: the study and understanding of a selection of texts from the founder of Opus Dei referring to the Administration in order, to understand his conception and perspective of this reality reflection on the historical evolution of the Administration and the articulation of a dialogue integrating the perspective of different disciplines and professional profiles to reach the most complete view possible of its nature.

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During those days they studied in depth the identifying features and the apostolic potential of the reality of the Administration in Opus Dei, starting from what Saint Josemaría saw and wrote, and taking into account the experiences gained over the years. This document is the result of work sessions held in 2020, involving an interdisciplinary and international group of women of the Prelature. Susana López, PhD in Philosophy of Knowledge, Prefect of Studies of the Central Advisory Office Ana Marta González, Professor of Moral Philosophy, University of Navarra, Spain.Ĭristina Abecia, Graduate in Audiovisual Communication and MA in Communication Research, Consultant to the Central Advisory

Opus domini manual